Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hi 2009, Bye 2008

Asking, Hey where to go for this NYE countdown?
Answer : Home, with my family

Replied, Dude? R u kidding me? U should get some life, instead been otaku/nerd/-watever-
Answer : Wat's life definition?

Explanation, Ermm... Like Clubbing, Karoke-ing, Pub.. something like that..
Answer: R u sure? It sounds loser to me, since u r just following someone's definition of life.. Just they told u, thats how life should be, doesnt means u should follow it. I believe life is about to achieve something on ur aim and be happy on the progress.

Replied, LOL... watever, suit urself.

At the very end of the year, this is the most frequent Q&A i did. Most of them ask thierself,

Wat did i did on 2008?
Do i achieved something on 2008?
Am i just wasted another year?

Throw away all this question, and be glad, u still alive to stay with ur family.

2008, brings suprise and suprise like every year did.

Our Health minister on Dvd, politic tsunami, economy meltdown, world disaster [earthquake on China and super-tornado? on Myanmar], Bush down-Obama up, Pak Lah down-Najib up, Bukit Antarabangsa landslide and much much more.

For those who lost the loved one in 2008, Please stay strong as the spirit of him/her doesnt wan to c u sad always.

For those who lost everything due to economy meltdown, Dont give up... ur family r still waiting for ur warm hug... they doesnt give up on u too!

For those who lost in politic, there is always a winner and unlucky, dont take it as forever-failure in ur heart. Ur supporter still believes on u, and they wans u to lead them to a path that u believed.

For those who's love in prison, army, police force, hospital unit, imigresen and kastam or as government officer who is in duty, plse stay safetly! and thanks for ur dedication!

For those who r still alive and strong, lets help and guide the unfortune one to the correct path in 2009.

2008, the year of rat going to end soon, and i havent made my wishlist yet! xD but well, i dont think i will make any wish ^^ cause i believe, i already have wat i wan ^^. Happy New Year!

Best Friend - Kiroro

PJ Low

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