Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY means KL is a dead city

KL basically a dead city when CNY is here. Major roads or highways towards KL having very very less vehicles on road. One would ask,"I understand the chinese balik kampung for the reunion dinner, so where is the non-chinese in KL?" There is few answer for this:

1. They balik kampung as well~ Oh ho ho balik kampung~, oh ho ho balik kampung~~!

2. The city kinda empty,as it only have less crowds and when it is less crowds, the non-chinese owned shops would close as well to prevent robberies and when they closed the shops, the city have nothing to offer to the visitors!

There is this our former PM said, if we to "bulldozer" every properties that owned by non-malays, KL only left Kampung Baru. So, there is no suprise if the chinese owned shops, mini-markets, workshops, companies or industries stops thier operating hours and go for thier reunion dinners or holidays. Not only that, those who's Boss is a chinese, will have thier employees to take compulsory leaves as the boss hatta balik kampung as well for reunion dinner or simple, hisap angpau.

I witness myself, where all Malaysians stock thier home's fridge and dry foods cupboard before CNY. Not only that, during CNY, even the markets doesnt operating! with the few traders selling the "expired products" like kubis aged 3 days old [non-fresh foods].

Conclusion... When CNY comes, Malaysia's economic stops for 15 days?

PJ Low

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